
Dr. Lam Kam Seng Peter, Chair of UC

Mr. Lau Veng Lin, Treasurer of UC
Mr. Iong Kong Leong, Director of Financial Services Bureau

Dr. Leung Kai Chun Chris, Secretary-General of UC

Powers & Functions of the Fiscal Committee
1) To monitor the operation of UM and supervise compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
2) To examine the accounts, monitor the execution of the budget and obtain information and data deemed necessary for monitoring the management;
3) To examine and audit account books, records and documents, as well as any kinds of objects of value when deemed necessary and appropriate;
4) To advise on issues put to it by the University Council;
5) To advise on the final accounts, the annual working report and financial report;
6) To prepare an annual report of its activities and present it to the University Council.